New Features

New Feature 1

This is the text for this update.

Posted 25/10/2023 @ 14:30

New Feature 2

This is the text for this update.

Posted 25/10/2023 @ 14:30

New Feature 2

This is the text for this update.

Posted 25/10/2023 @ 14:30

To remove an email address, perform the following steps:

1. Log into your SiteWorx account (e.g. www.example.com:2443/siteworx/ ).

2. Under SiteWorx Menu, click the Hosting Features menu item if it is not already open.

3. Click the E-mail menu item and then click on the Mailboxes option.

4. Under the Existing E-mail Boxes tab, select the appropriate E-mail address you wish to remove and then click on the Delete button.

5. For confirmation, click again on the Delete button.

You should see a success message notifying you that your e-mail address has been removed.

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